Oh how I wish this didn't sell out so fast. I just might bite the bullet and try to get tickets off Craigslist but paying $70 for something originally $21.50 makes me cringe. But I do love La Roux..
Heads up, dance party in San Bernardino a couple weekends from now. Kid Cudi, Bassnectar, Talib Kewli, Daedelus, and Nosaj Thing are just a few of the DJs/artists on the main stage. Check out this link for the full lineup.
I guess this leaked a couple days early. *edit* Looks like they just deleted the news post off the website, but I managed to save a copy (see below). Wow, such a solid lineup. You do not want to miss this! If I was only able to go to one San Francisco festival this summer and had to choose between this and Outside Lands, Treasure Island would be the easy winner. Even though The Strokes are one of my favorite bands and are headlining OL, I would choose Treasure Island because this line up is...
As a USC student with limited funds, I'm always trying to figure out how to make the most out of my night when I go out. LA is great because there is so much going on for little to no cash if you know where to look. Echo Park/Silver Lake definitely has the most options, see below for my breakdown.
Don't you hate Googling or Yelping venues just to find the answer to a simple question? Well look no further, this guide has all you need to know about your favorite venues. Simple and to the point.
My friend from Brooklyn and I went to this free show on Monday. The vocals were crisp and less distorted than on the album. Overall great energy and the crowd was totally feeling it. The crowd was made of the typical mix of big messy hair, plaid, and skinny jean wearing indie kids, along with a few random old guys. My friend said NYC shows are a lot more homogenous and was surprised by how diverse shows in LA are. I was surprised by how many tall guys (lots of guys well over 6'2) were in...
Instead of taking the standard approach of writing a show review about how amazing or horrible a band played, I thought I'd turn around and review the crowd for each show that I go to. I'm interested in the types of people and demographics each artist/band attracts. In the end, crowd response is pretty clutch.
Matador, the label behind our favorite indie bands is turning 21 this year. To celebrate they're having this awesome festival in Vegas! Guided By Voices will be reuniting to play the Matador at 21 Festival along with Belle & Sebastian, Cat Power, Cold Cave, The New Pornographers, Sonic Youth, Spoon, Yo La Tengo and many more. Matador at 21 will be taking place at The Palms in Las Vegas from Friday, October 1 - Sunday, October 3 in collaboration with Los Angeles promoters FYF Fest. No on-sale...
Monday night's are great way to see a show for free and support a local band. A few venues offer free Monday music nights: The Silver Lake Lounge, The Echo, or the Spaceland. There are also free shows announced from time to time, stay tuned for more dates!
As a music head who's always running around LA for shows, I'd like to share a few pointers that might save you a little time and money. Let's use this forum as a place to discuss how to get the most out of your experience.